Spur Gears
AXON spur gears are available for TC in 64 and 48 pitch and for direct drive cars (1/12, 1/10, F1) in 64 pitch.
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AXON Spur Gear DTS 64 PitchGS-D6Spur gears for direct drive cars.Please select the size from the ava..
AXON Spur Gear TCS 64PGS-T6Axon spur gears for touring cars in 64 pitch.Please select the size from ..
$4.68 $2.34
AXON Spur Gear TCS 64P Version 2GS-T6BAxon spur gears for touring cars in 64 pitch Version 2. The V2..
SPUR GEAR SPACER (0.1/0.2mm 2pcs each)SMJ3536A spacer that is sandwiched between the spur gear and t..
AXON Spur Gear TCS 48PGS-T4AXON spur gears for touring cars and drift cars in 48 pitch.Please select..
$4.68 $2.34
AXON Spur Gear TCS 48P Version 2GS-T4BAXON spur gears for touring cars and drift cars in 48 pitch Ve..